L- CARNITINE 1000 mg

Transform fats into energy. Increases physical performance and muscle mass!

L-Carnitine 1000 mg is a product intended for those who want to obtain an optimal physical shape and achieve the ideal weight in a shorter time.

What is L-carnitine

Carnitine is an amino acid found in almost every cell of the body. Its name is derived from the Latin “carnus” or “meat” because the compound was first isolated from meat.

The amino acid is concentrated in tissues, such as skeletal and cardiac muscle, which use fatty acids for energy.

L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver from essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. The bloodstream then transports the long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria to the heart and skeletal muscles, which rely on L-carnitine for fatty acid oxidation.

The kidneys can also store L-carnitine for later use and eliminate the excess through the urinary tract.

L-carnitine for weight loss

L-carnitine reduces the accumulation of metabolic waste during physical exercise and oxidative stress caused by excessive sports activity. Moreover, L-carnitine improves endurance by inhibiting the accumulation of lactic acid, one of the main causes of muscle fatigue.

Because L-carnitine helps send fatty acids to the mitochondria to be burned and transformed into energy, the amino acid supports fat burning and weight loss. Since it produces energy, athletes administer L-carnitine to improve endurance and sports performance (especially if it is administered together with caffeine or creatine).

Due to its beneficial effect on reducing muscle pain and speeding up recovery, supplementing with L-carnitine helps increase muscle mass and strength.

And thanks to its ability to improve the action of insulin on muscle cells, L-Carnitine helps to maintain low glucose levels.

A study of people with type 2 diabetes indicated that carnitine supplementation significantly reduced blood sugar levels and increased levels of a key enzyme called AMPK- AMP-activated protein kinase, which improves the body’s ability to use carbohydrates.


Why take L-carnitine

Besides increasing endurance and improving physical recovery, L-carnitine protects the liver, peripheral nerves, stimulates metabolic processes, produces energy and has an antioxidant role. The amino acid is important for heart and brain function.

The best L-carnitine

Carnitine is the generic term for a number of compounds that include L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine.

Acetyl L-carnitine, known as ALCAR, plays an essential role in protecting the nervous system, while Propionyl-L-carnitine has anti-rheumatic properties and improves heart health.

L-carnitine L-tartrate is the best L-carnitine for weight loss: the bioactive form of the amino acid L-carnitine, helps in lipid metabolism, transforms fats and adipose tissues into energy and contributes to weight loss by reducing fat mass.

L-carnitine tartrate is useful for minimizing muscle pain, helps physical recovery after training and reduces muscle soreness.

Who can take L-carnitine

L-carnitine tartrate 1000 mg is ideal for pro athletes, amateur athletes, those who want to increase their sports performance and in weight-loss diets.

The amino acid is essential for those who do not benefit from a sufficient amount of L-carnitine obtained from animal-derived food consumption, such as vegetarians and vegans.

How much L-carnitine should I take to lose weight or build muscle?

Just 1 tablet of L-carnitine 1000 mg administered before a workout is effective to obtain maximum benefits and quick results.

L-carnitine: contraindications

Orally administered L-carnitine is safe when taken for up to 12 months. Excessive consumption of  L-carnitine can rarely cause adverse reactions such as hyperacidity, therefore it is recommended to take it together with a meal rich in carbohydrates and proteins.

Effects and Benefits

1. Weight loss and sports activity. Increases muscle mass.

  • Essential in weight loss and during periods of intense physical training;
  • Helps to increase muscle mass and maintain its stability;
  • Helps in weight loss by converting fat into energy;
  • Contributes to the rapid recovery of overworked or injured muscles;
  • Stimulates metabolic and energetic processes;
  • L-Carnitine has an essential role in the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria (triglycerides), where they are transformed into energy.

2. Important for bone health. Strengthens immunity.

  • L-Carnitine helps increase bone density;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Inhibits allergic reactions and increases the body’s resistance.

3. Healthy brain. Strong heart. Banishes fatigue and stress

  • L-Carnitine 1000 reduces fatigue and thus prolongs the duration and intensity of physical or intellectual effort;
  • It is recommended for elderly people in healthy brain functioning;
  • It has an antioxidant protective effect on the peripheral nerves;
  • Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides;
  • Fortifies the cardiovascular system;
  • It is an important source of energy for the cardiac muscle;
  • L-Carnitine increases the exercise resistance of patients with angina pectoris (Stable Angina).

4. Kidney, liver and pancreas health

  • Compensates the amounts of L-Carnitine that are no longer naturally produced by the kidneys;
  • Helps to detoxify the body;
  • It is considered an antidote to valproic acid (chemical product present in many antidepressants, anticonvulsants, etc.);
  • L-Carnitine increases insulin sensitivity;
  • Protects the liver and stimulates metabolic processes;
  • Contributes to the good metabolism of glucose in the cells.

5. Infertility in men

  • L-Carnitine 1000 helps to improve the quantity and quality of sperm count.


L-Carnitine 1000 mg food supplement is recommended in:

  • Stimulation of muscle mass growth and physical performance;
  • Weight loss;
  • Muscular fever;
  • Physical recovery;
  • Muscular dystrophies;
  • Cardiovascular diseases: heart failure, angina pectoris, heart attack, ventricular arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy;
  • Hepatic diseases: hepatic steatosis, cirrhosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia;
  • Renal failure, in patients undergoing dialysis;
  • Anorexia nervosa;
  • Associated with HIV/AIDS treatment;
  • Male infertility.



Adults: 1 film-coated tablet per day. A box of 90 film-coated tablets is enough for 90 days.

Duration of administration

3 months (90 days), followed by a one-month break, after which the administration of the product can be resumed.


To be administered with caution by pregnant women, those who wish to remain pregnant or those who are breastfeeding. Not recommended for people allergic to any of the ingredients.


Active ingredients/film-coated tablet (1650 mg):

L-Carnitine Tartrate 1000mg